May 2022 - Page 2 of 2 - Fife Properties
Fife Properties

FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE   8th – 14th May 2022 (Watch/Read/Listen)



Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:


Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week are:

Continue reading FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE   8th – 14th May 2022 (Watch/Read/Listen)

IS BUY-TO-LET BROKEN? Facts, Figures And Future Trends For Private Landlords (watch/read/listen)




There’s no denying that buy-to-let isn’t the same as 10 or 15 years ago.


Changes in lending criteria mean landlords have to put in more of their own money; changes in tax policy have affected initial yields; changes in lettings legislation have changed what it is to own a rental property. Continue reading IS BUY-TO-LET BROKEN? Facts, Figures And Future Trends For Private Landlords (watch/read/listen)

Fife Property Market to Crash in 2022? (Watch/Read/Listen)



  • According to some newspapers and pundits, the property market boom could soon be over with the increasing interest rates and inflation.


  • In this article, I share the 3 fundamental economic reasons why things are different to the last property market crash.


  • The insider’s way to find out if there will be a property crash.


  • …and 4 reasons why buy-to-let landlords are coming back into the Fife rental market to protect their wealth and hedge against inflation.

Continue reading Fife Property Market to Crash in 2022? (Watch/Read/Listen)

EP 19 THE WEALTH CREATION SHOW F.E.A.R. False Expectations Appearing Real (Watch/Read/Listen)




Many people don’t believe it’s possible for them to invest in property and often because we make it look so simple they either think it’s too go to be true, it must be more complicated than that or don’t have belief in themselves. Which if you follow the system, it’s not that difficult but it’s often the case that we let our past dictate our future.

Join Jim Parker and Richard Cook as they discuss F.E.A.R. (False Expectations Appearing Real)

Plus we’ll be discussing the latest news, as well as sharing some wealth secrets including some portfolios and properties available and if we have time, we will go over one of our recent examples.


If you’ve missed the previous shows catch up on our play list:


If you are a private client of ours, including the ongoing support you will also receive an invite for the last Thursday of every month to a private zoom session which will be a deep dive into more detail on portfolio building. If you haven’t received your invite, please contact us to


This is all about accelerating your wealth in 2022.




FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 1st – 7th May 2022  (Watch/Read/Listen)



Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week are:

Continue reading FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 1st – 7th May 2022  (Watch/Read/Listen)

FP TV (EP 90) MOVING WITH CHILDREN? How to sell and be settled before the new school year (Watch/Read/Listen)4 min)




If you thought you’d missed the boat for a family move this year, the good news is you’ve still got time. With the speed of the current market, you can sell your home and be in your new one by the end of the school holidays.

Continue reading FP TV (EP 90) MOVING WITH CHILDREN? How to sell and be settled before the new school year (Watch/Read/Listen)4 min)

EP18 THE WEALTH CREATION SHOW – Opportunity Cost (Watch/Read/Listen)




In this episode we talk about how buying a Lamborghini Huracan at £178,000 could cost you more than £700,000 over 10 years and possibly £2 million over 40 years!!!!

Plus we’ll be discussing the latest news, as well as sharing some wealth secrets including some portfolios and properties available and this week, we’ll be talking about Opportunity Cost and if we have time, I’ll go over one of our recent examples.



If you’ve missed the previous shows catch up on our play list:


If you are a private client of ours, including the ongoing support you will also receive an invite for the last Thursday of every month to a private zoom session which will be a deep dive into more detail on portfolio building. If you haven’t received your invite, please contact us to


This is all about accelerating your wealth in 2022.



Fife Rental Homes Nightmare (Watch/Read/Listen)




  • Fife needs 1,472 additional private rented properties per year to keep up with current and future demand from Fife tenants.


  • Yet over the last 5 years, Fife has lost 1,220 private rented homes.


  • What are the 5 reasons the supply of private rental properties in Fife are falling? What does this mean for tenants and landlords in Fife?


There has been a rise in demand for rental properties and an 8.9% fall in the number of Fife private rented properties, which has caused Fife rents to rise by 13.2% in the last year, a new all-time high.

Continue reading Fife Rental Homes Nightmare (Watch/Read/Listen)

FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 24th – 30th April 2022 (Watch/Read/Listen)



Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week are:

Continue reading FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 24th – 30th April 2022 (Watch/Read/Listen)