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Fife Properties

FFPTV (EP 50) SMOOTH MOVES: Eliminate the Stress When Selling Your Home in Fife (Watch/read/listen)




Most moves have a lot riding on them, and, if you’re thinking of selling your home, there’s probably a good reason behind it.


Perhaps you’re moving in with a partner, expanding your family, relocating for work, thinking about schools, considering downsizing, or simply moving to your ultimate dream location.


None of these are small events. They’re pivotal life moments filled with anticipation, and when the next chapter of your life depends on the sale of your home, it can be an emotional time.


I believe that estate agents have a unique role to play in making your move an enjoyable and exciting experience. Because moving is exciting, and it can absolutely be enjoyable.


In that spirit, let’s look at what you can plan for and what to be prepared for so you can keep a level head at every stage of selling your home. Continue reading FFPTV (EP 50) SMOOTH MOVES: Eliminate the Stress When Selling Your Home in Fife (Watch/read/listen)

FP TV (EP 48) THE TIME IS NOW: Sell Your Home in The Best Market for a Decade in Fife (Watch/read/listen)




I cannot remember a market like this. Record high demand, record short supply, record low interest rates, record speeds of sale and record high prices have created one of the strongest seller’s markets in memory. Continue reading FP TV (EP 48) THE TIME IS NOW: Sell Your Home in The Best Market for a Decade in Fife (Watch/read/listen)

SUMMER VIEWINGS: Stand Out from The Crowd in The Best Season for Selling in Fife (4 min read)

Summer is upon us, and with it comes the best time of the year to sell your home (and to be an estate agent!).


Blue skies, warm temperatures and nature in bloom make photos look brilliant, and homes look their best, while the lighter nights fuel faster decisions with fewer viewings in the dark.


With so many positives, it’s no wonder that summer is the time of year when lots of people decide to sell. As more homes come on the market and the competition hots up with the weather, the name of the game is standing out from the crowd, instead of getting lost in it. In short, now is the time for your home to shine. Continue reading SUMMER VIEWINGS: Stand Out from The Crowd in The Best Season for Selling in Fife (4 min read)

FP TV (EP 41) HIDDEN POTENTIAL: Using the Untapped Value of Your Home for Selling Points in Fife (watch/read/listen)




Potential is a magic word in property, and no wonder.

As our home lives continue to evolve, we’re examining every corner for how it can offer us more. Could the layout be more sociable? Can we create a workspace? Is there scope to add more bedrooms? How can we increase the levels of luxury and light? Continue reading FP TV (EP 41) HIDDEN POTENTIAL: Using the Untapped Value of Your Home for Selling Points in Fife (watch/read/listen)

Top Tips To Get The Best Price This Summer in Fife! (Watch/read/listen)




Demand for property is soaring, so there are sure to be plenty of motivated buyers, therefore now is an ideal time to prepare your property for that quick sale at the best price. So, here’s my 5 Top Tips to sell quickly but more importantly for the right price. Continue reading Top Tips To Get The Best Price This Summer in Fife! (Watch/read/listen)

BACK ON THE MARKET: Can Changing Your Estate Agent Reset Your Move in Fife? (4 min read)

Nobody wants to feel left on the shelf. Seeing your neighbours sell and move out while you’re stuck on the market for months, can be disheartening and confusing. And when you’ve poured your heart and soul into your home, but nobody seems to want it, what are you supposed to do? How long is too long before you give up? Continue reading BACK ON THE MARKET: Can Changing Your Estate Agent Reset Your Move in Fife? (4 min read)

FPTV (EP 37) SETTING THE SCENE: How To Be Ready For Viewings Every Day in Fife (watch/read/listen)




No matter how neat and tidy they are, people always ask us how their home should look on viewings and whether they can improve their presentation.


While no one expects you to live in a perfect show home, buyers do react well to a bit of pizzazz and polish. They’re looking to be seduced, and the way you present your home can shorten the time it takes to agree a sale, which means less tidying up in the long run. Continue reading FPTV (EP 37) SETTING THE SCENE: How To Be Ready For Viewings Every Day in Fife (watch/read/listen)

WHAT DO BUYERS WANT? 5 fundamental factors that turn viewings into sales for Fife Homeowners. (Watch/read/listen)




We’ve all had that sense of all-consuming joy when finding the home of our dreams, and what a feeling it is! Excitement, anticipation and nerves all rolled into a single moment, and much of it unquantifiable.


There’s a lot that goes into a decision to buy, from emotional, financial and intellectual reasons to a healthy dose of gut-feeling. And while practical considerations like size, price and fittings certainly play their part, they all take a back seat to the most influential factor of all: how a home feels. Is it ‘the one’? Continue reading WHAT DO BUYERS WANT? 5 fundamental factors that turn viewings into sales for Fife Homeowners. (Watch/read/listen)

FP TV (EP 24) BEHIND THE SCENES: What does your Estate Agent do for your money? (Watch/read/listen) min read)


Listen to the PODCAST:


“Put it on the Internet and wait for the phone to ring”. That’s perhaps how many people see an estate agent’s life, and there’s undoubtedly some mystery around precisely what agents do beyond putting a property on the market and showing people around. Continue reading FP TV (EP 24) BEHIND THE SCENES: What does your Estate Agent do for your money? (Watch/read/listen) min read)