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Home ownership rates for young families rise

After a three-decade-long hiatus during which it became even harder for young families to purchase their own property, official statistics from the Resolution Foundation thinktank have shown that ownership rates amongst this group are now on the rise.

According to the thinktank statistics, 190,000 more young families became homeowners over the course of the past two years with the biggest increases observed in Yorkshire and the Humber, Scotland and the North West, where the proportion of young families who are homeowners has risen by between 4.6% and 8.4%. The thinktank calculated the figures from government surveys dating back to 1961.

The last 30 years have seen a downward trend in ownership rates among young families, due to a variety of factors, including changes in the property market and fiscal instabilities. During the 1980s, homeownership peaked at 51% in 1989; however, this figure had halved to only 25% by 2016, being the lowest level since at least 1961 (the earliest government survey). By the end of 2018, the downward trend was finally bucked, with rates of homeownership increasing to 28%, with the numbers also trending upwards as we move into 2019.

Resolution suggested that the changes in trend are down to differences in mortgage offerings over the past two years, with lower-deposit and more flexible offerings now available as well as the availability of larger mortgages. In addition to changes in lending habits, there is the relative slowdown in house price growth and stamp duty relief for first-time buyers, which have also aided those looking to join the property market.

Daniel Tomlinson, a research and policy analyst at Resolution, said: “Recent conditions in the housing market as we move away from the immediate aftermath of the financial crisis are finally helping more young families to buy a home of their own, but the long-term drivers of lower ownership rates are here to stay.”

For many young families, the opportunities now available to them to help them join the property market are now being made the most of, and therefore we are seeing the upward trend in ownership rates. A willingness to be more flexible in terms of their finances, as well as a willingness to move away from the bigger cities and in to more affordable areas, are helping this group to purchase a family home, however the Institute for Fiscal Studies commented this year that average house prices had risen around seven times faster than the average income in the last 20 years, showing that property ownership is still no mean feat.

Fife Properties Group Office Owner, Jim Parker commented, “It is always great news to hear young families are now beginning to get on the property ladder after so long. Our biggest challenge is getting more houses to sell to accommodate them.” If you are looking to sell in 2019 then please feel free to book your FREE initial consultation by clicking on the following link:

What can we expect from the property market in 2019?

2018 has been a year of ups and downs in the property market, with the overriding factor being the imminent break from Europe. As we move in to 2019 and March 29th (the official date of Brexit), there remains a certain level of uncertainty in the market, however this should be tempered with cautious optimism when looking at the gains that property could make in the post-Brexit period.


Interest rate uncertainty

Something which is currently subject to extreme uncertainty throughout 2019 is interest rates, with the Bank of England having already increased rates last year for only the second time in over a decade. On the one hand Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, has indicated that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) will continue to gradually increase the base rate next year. However, Carney has tempered this intended rise in base rates by stipulating that in the event of a disorderly Brexit the MPC would be prepared to similarly cut rates in order to support the economy.

Mark Harris, chief executive of mortgage broker SPF Private Clients, says: “It looks set to be an intriguing year. We expect interest rates to end the year around 1% and mortgage rates will reflect this.”


Competitive mortgage market

During the course of 2018, the competition in the mortgage market has become rife with more offers available and more options to entice buyers into the market than ever before. Looking to 2019, there is no indication that this competition between lenders will subside, making mortgages more accessible to a wider market. Currently, there are 1,459 cashback incentives available on residential mortgages which is nearly two-and-a-half times more on offer than in 2011, according to Moneyfacts.

David Hollingworth, of L&C Mortgages, offered: “This year has been very, very competitive with mortgage lenders pushing hard to attract borrowers. I don’t see a reason why that would change in the new year and it might just be a tighter market with even more intense competition.”


First-time buyers

2018 saw an unprecedented number of first-time buyer transactions in the property market, with numbers reaching an 11-year high. With the news from the Budget that the Help to Buy scheme will be extended a further two years, many potential purchasers should also join the property market in 2019. Often, saving for a deposit is the chief hurdle for those wanting to buy a home, however with the availability of deals for people borrowing 95% of their home’s value soaring to 304 different mortgage options, this hurdle is now being circumvented by the mortgage industry. With more mortgages with lesser deposits available, as well as shared ownerships and purchase schemes offered, we should see first-time buyers once again on the rise throughout the course of the new year.



With lenders in stiff competition with one another and low interest rates still present, many agree that 2018 has been a good year to remortgage and 2019 will continue to offer favourable conditions for those looking to capitalise.

Rachel Springall, finance expert at Moneyfacts, says: “Throughout 2018 the mortgage market has had to absorb the base rate rise back in August, which has inevitably pushed the average standard variable rate to its highest level in almost ten years. This has meant the incentive to remortgage has probably never been greater.”

Fife Properties Group Office Owner, Jim Parker commented, “It is a great time to consider switching mortgage providers by getting a FREE up to date valuation from us and speaking to our mortgage partners who have always provided great deals” To book a FREE valuation and mortgage consultation click on the following link:

How much of an impact can a street name have on a home?

When considering the purchase of a property there are a number of variables to consider; how many bedrooms you need, if there are good schools in the catchment area and what the local amenities are to name but a few. However, it seems that there is one aspect which should also now be taken in to account – street name. Recent studies have shown that the name of the road which you live on can have an impact upon the value of your property – so the old adage of “location, location, location” may be even more accurate than ever previously considered when buying a home.

The regal touch

Streets with regal names such as Royal, Palace, Lord and Bishop can boost the value of your home – showing that royal prestige extends well beyond Buckingham Palace. Nearly 10% of house-hunters surveyed are willing to pay more for a property with a regal suffix, with 8% prepared to pay up to an enormous £30,000 more. This perception of prestige clearly has an impact on the price of a home and the overall appeal to buyers – so think carefully when browsing through all those homes for sale and don’t just consider their curb -appeal, but also their catalogue blurb-appeal.

The house on the hill

Aside from the prestige of the monarchy, it seems that certain road names also exert a hypnotic appeal upon buyers with properties on “Hills” and “Lanes” worth 50% more than the national average. Naturally, when you consider a hill or a lane there is the image of peace and tranquillity, which could be a contributing factor in their popularity amongst buyers. On the other hand, properties with “Street” or “Terrace” in their address are amongst the least expensive in the UK, perhaps because of the frequency of these names and as such, a perceived lack of exclusivity.

Bishop’s Hill or High Street?

Property buyers are a discerning bunch, with never-ending lists of requirements, and it would seem that a new addition to this list is an “exclusive” sounding address with many prepared to pay a premium for a premium-sounding address. This preparedness to pay for the privilege of living on “Royal Way” or “Hill Lane” however is split regionally – with those in London 24% more likely to pay extra for an address when compared to those in the North East. Perhaps, then, it is the high prices of the capital city and the greater level of investment it takes to buy in London which can woo buyers into spending just that little bit more – a premium-sounding address to reflect the premium cash outlay required to buy their property.

Fife Properties Managing Director, Jim Parker commented: ‘It is amazing how a simple a thing such as a street name can make a fundamental difference but in the past, we have had “Lovers Lane”, “Witches Wynd” which have all attracted more than their fair share of interest.’