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Fife Properties

What are the top priorities for buyers looking for a home?

Good schools, good commuter links and a good kitchen; traditionally, this is what has been considered to be the magic triad of priorities for buyers.  However, new research has suggested that this is no longer the case. Read on to see what buyers are prioritising whilst on the hunt for a new property…

A poll from a regulated property buyer has shown that a budget supermarket has ousted the school catchment area for one of the top spots in buyer priorities, with almost 40% of those surveyed stating their desire to live within close proximity to an Aldi or Lidl. School catchment areas remain high on the wish list of buyers with 29% saying that they would move home in order to be in a specific catchment area.

The desire for good-value shopping could be linked to the need to economise after purchasing a new property, so it is no surprise that it is the younger generations who rate the budget supermarket highest; some 54% of 18 to 24-year olds want to live near to one. This figure gradually declines to 34% of over 45s sharing the same view.

The outright top spot on buyer priorities, however, is for a scenic view with 44% of people preferring a property with scenic surroundings. Budget supermarkets follow this in second place, and local bars and restaurants come in at third in the wish list of buyers.

“Everyone has their own priorities when moving to a new house, but it’s interesting to see how the overall patterns are changing. Budget supermarkets are definitely growing in popularity, especially among the younger generations, and their presence in a region is now making a place more desirable to live,” said Ross Counsell, director at Good Move.

Once a property move is completed, research also revealed what people first investigate once they have moved to a new area. Public transport links are the first item which people look into with 21% of people researching this immediately, followed by local schools, crime rates and broadband speeds.

Fife Properties Group Office Owner, Jim Parker said, “It is no surprise that budget supermarkets are moving up the list of priorities as people realise every penny counts. So it is just as important to get the best mortgage deal and that means a specialist to check you are better off. Often it far outweighs the fee for arranging the mortgage itself”

If you want to book a FREE initial consultation with our specialists, please tap the link to contact any of our local offices or book online

Buyers rush to beat Brexit: mortgage approvals increase

Research from chartered surveyor e.surv has shown that mortgage approvals reached a peak of 66,390 in December of last year, which amounts to a 7.8% annual increase. This seasonal rise has led to claims that there is a pre-Brexit rush to purchase property, and that the political uncertainty arising from the imminent break with Europe is actually fuelling current demand in the property market.

Commenting on the figures, Richard Pike, sales and marketing director for Phoebus Software, said:

“It is hard to talk about anything at the moment without mentioning the ‘Brexit’ word: it is all-consuming and there is little doubt that it continues to affect the housing market.

“The fact that house purchase approvals were up in December suggests that people are planning ahead and making their move before the March deadline. Interestingly the number of remortgage approvals took a dip compared to the same month in 2017, which bucks the trend throughout the rest of the year.”

“Nonetheless, I would expect it to be the remortgage sector that will be keeping the mortgage market going in the coming months, as we wait to see how our exit from the EU pans out.”

Throughout the year, types of mortgage being approved also reflected the influx of first-time buyers in the property market, with mortgage products offering loans at 95% of a property’s value increasing in popularity.

Data showed that over a quarter of mortgages approved in December were taken out by borrowers with a small deposit (less than 20%), and this was also the case in November. A key step-change in property has been the introduction of government schemes in order to alleviate the headache of saving for a deposit, and these statistics show that this is having some success in the marketplace.

Tony Sutton, managing director of mortgage brokerage group Specialist Financial Services, said lenders have become more competitive as they seek to protect their market share.

Mr Sutton said: “There is a wider choice of products available, serving a broader range of people with more sensible underwriting decisions.

“Lenders are trying to maintain market share and have increased the terms they are willing to offer.”

Such an increase in mortgage offerings has clearly made the process of gaining a mortgage easier than ever before – with some lenders even offering 100% mortgages on properties in an effort to maintain their place in the marketplace. With more options available offering more flexibility, it is no wonder that mortgage approvals have increased, which bodes well for the year ahead for property.

Fife Properties Group Office Owner, Jim Parker said, “It is a highly competitive market out there and to stay ahead of the game it is always best to get a specialist to help get the best deal. Often it far outweighs the fee for arranging the mortgage itself”

If you want to book a FREE initial consultation with out specialists please tap the link to contact any of our local offices or book online