FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE – 18th – 24th Aug 2024 (Watch/Read/Listen) - Fife Properties
Fife Properties

FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE – 18th – 24th Aug 2024 (Watch/Read/Listen)




Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Shows written and produced this week are:

FPTV (EP 209) AUTUMN ADVANTAGES: Five Gold Selling Secrets of the Underrated Season in Fife


Autumn gets a bad rap as a season for selling your home. It’s always pushed back behind the blossom of spring, the sunshine of summer, and the festive magic of winter.


But how do you use autumn to your advantage as a seller to be in pole position as a buyer?


Fife’s Award-Winning Estate Agents Jim Parker and Richard Cook discuss the essential hints and tips for selling your home this Autumn.






RULES FOR RENTERS: Our landlord guide to your tenant’s duties of care


If you want your tenant to look after your rental property correctly, it’s unfortunately not enough to rely on them knowing every letter of the law around their responsibilities.


Jim Parker and Richard Cook take a look at some of the areas that a tenant has responsibility for and how these can sometimes be overlooked due to poorly written lease agreements.






EP 137: THE WEALTH CREATION SHOW: Efficiency Improving Strategies

Trying to get through a day can feel like swimming against the current, leaving you exhausted yet feeling like you haven’t accomplished anything.

A never-ending to-do list, constant interruptions, and a mountain of emails to get through. These are just a few of the many challenges the modern person faces.

Many mistaken efficiency for working faster and harder, but it’s not about overtime and multitasking. Efficiency is one of the essential keys to surviving and thriving in today’s work environment.

Would you like to find ways to improve your workflow, better manage your time and resources and boost the quality of your output?

Luckily, you don’t need to head back to school to understand this as Lettings Director, Richard Cook and one of the UK’s most successful property investors, Jim Parker are on hand to discuss.





If you’ve missed the previous shows you can catch up on our channel:



If you are a private client of ours, including the ongoing support you can also receive one to one mentoring on portfolio building. Please contact us to


This is all about accelerating your wealth in 2024.



*We must point out that we are not financial advisors, and this is only our opinion of what we would do. Investments can go down as well as up so if you do want professional advice from a qualified advisor, please contact us direct and we will put you in touch with someone.