Fife Property Market – the Last 10 Years (3 min read)

One of my Fife landlords contacted me last week from St Andrews, after he had spoken to a landlord friend of his from Dunfermline. He told me they were deliberating the Fife property market and neither of them could make their mind up if it was time to either sell or buy property following Covid-19. His friend said he would wait to see what would happen to property prices following Covid-19, yet my landlord wanted to pick my brain in order to help him decide what to do. Continue reading Fife Property Market – the Last 10 Years (3 min read)

Top Tips On Moving Home For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

You have found your new property and are excited to finally have the keys in your hand – now you just need to move your possessions from your old home into the new model. We have put together some top tips to make this process as stress-free as possible.

Continue reading Top Tips On Moving Home For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

The Fife Post Lockdown Property Market (6 min read)

What have we learned in the first few weeks?


Talking to most of the Fife Estate & Letting Agents and with our own findings, it might surprise many of you that new enquiries from homebuyers, tenants, landlords and home sellers being received by Fife agents are at record levels in the past week since lockdown was lifted from the property market at the end of June. Continue reading The Fife Post Lockdown Property Market (6 min read)

Summer Property Maintenance Tips For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

Now that summer is availing itself, many of us are making the most of our outdoor spaces and enjoying the uptake in the weather. However, whilst we enjoy being outside don’t forget to keep your property ticking along during the summer months. Here are a few maintenance tips that should keep your property in tip-top condition over the next few months.

Continue reading Summer Property Maintenance Tips For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

Our Top Tips For Designing A Home Office In Fife (3 min read)

People have been working from home in Fife for a while now. With businesses offering a greater level of autonomy and flexibility to their workers for the long run, many of us will have created office spaces in our homes. These spaces are vital to our productivity, and we have therefore put some of our favourite design ideas together in order to make your home office a hotbed of efficiency.

Continue reading Our Top Tips For Designing A Home Office In Fife (3 min read)

How To Host The Perfect BBQ Outside In Fife (3 min read)

As we can now socialise with up to 8 family members and friends in outdoor spaces, including back gardens, a BBQ is a great way to have some fun with your favourite people whilst staying safe. However, there is now a bit more to think about with increased hygiene standards and social distancing crucial in preventing a second wave of the coronavirus. With the summer months well underway, we share how you can host a perfect BBQ.

Continue reading How To Host The Perfect BBQ Outside In Fife (3 min read)