We’ve all been there. The narrow single bed, squeezed in wardrobe and desk, the stain resistant carpet.
Student accommodation is designed to be resilient to the average student’s lifestyle, rather than a glamorous second home. But that isn’t stopping students from overseas and higher income backgrounds from seeking out high-end accommodation.
Student accommodation is a niche market that many landlords have struggled to tackle. This is mainly because they face stiff competition from university’s that provide accommodation.
However, a recent report has revealed that the number of academics from abroad looking to study in the UK will increase over the next three years to 870,000. This presents landlords in the UK’s university towns with a unique opportunity.
Student Demand
Historically, students have chosen to live in university accommodation for its convenience, locations and cost. However, in recent years, students have begun to seek out high-end accommodation rather than sharing board with their peers.
Investment in the UK has risen by 17% year-on-year, with experts predicting that £5.2bn will be invested in purpose-built student accommodation by the conclusion of 2017, in comparison to £4.5bn last year.
International students represent a highly profitable market to landlords and letting agents. Many are prepared to pay more in rent for superior quality homes.
The high demand for accommodation means there is a higher probability that student landlords will always have a tenancy, whilst the short duration of university courses (usually around 2-6 years) means you can be more flexible with the size of your portfolio.
Book a FREE initial consultation to discuss all your rental requirements with our Lettings Manager Richard Cook today at: https://fifeproperties.co.uk/property-valuation/