EP34 THE WEALTH CREATION SHOW: How Does Inflation Impact Investments? (Watch/Listen)


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/EP34-THE-WEALTH-CREATION-SHOW-How-Does-Inflation-Impact-Investments-e1n3p9p


Inflation rates of 10%+ hit the headlines in July 2022 with further rises predicted.

Whether you have investments or cash in the bank, we’re all going to feel the effect of rising prices over the next few months. The Bank of England is predicting inflation rates to peak at 13% in the coming months.

But does rising inflation mean you should review your investments?


In this episode Jim Parker and Richard Cook look at how inflation hits different types of investments in different ways. As ever, this is based on Jim’s personal experience and wisdom that took him from homeless and unemployed in his early 20’s to financial freedom at 38 years old


Wealth Creation Show – Monday’s @ 12.30pm


If you’ve missed the previous shows you can catch up on our play list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu-dtDBNhbLJvH_47QHVWEQSB0w2_KGj9


If you are a private client of ours, including the ongoing support you will also receive an invite for the last Thursday of every month to a private zoom session which will be a deep dive into more detail on portfolio building. If you haven’t received your invite, please contact us to [email protected]


This is all about accelerating your wealth in 2022.


*We must point out that we are not financial advisors, and this is only our opinion of what we would do. Investments can go down as well as up so if you do want professional advice from a qualified advisor, please contact us direct and we will put you in touch with someone.