With more people living longer and ageing with much better health than ever before, those aged 55 and over are playing a key part in the national economy. Recent research from SunLife has surveyed this age group and found that nearly half would sell up in order to fund a more jet-set lifestyle.
Recent data from the Office of National Statistics has shown that the proportion of those aged 65 and over will rise by 5% over the next thirty years, with greater economic contributions coming from this group as the years progress. For those currently 55 and over, SunLife questioned 1,000 homeowners with a big choice; if they had the option between staying in their family home but never holidaying away from the UK again, or downsizing and then using the cash for foreign holidays which would they choose?
Interestingly, nearly 50% said that they would downsize (44%) in order to enjoy a jet-set lifestyle in their later years – what this does suggest, however, is that 56% would not be prepared to sell their family home. The research has shown that as we get older, the more attached we become to our properties; with those in the 65-80 group voting overwhelmingly to keep their property at the expense of not holidaying again.
Of course, as we get older the inclination to travel could decline as we may be less mobile or find the appeal of travelling for long periods less attractive than in our younger years, which could explain the growing desire to stay-put as we age.
Fife Properties Group Office Owner, Jim Parker commented: “Years ago this was never a factor but more and more people are realising that it’s more beneficial to release equity now by downsizing so they can either enjoy a better quality of life at a more affordable level and also passing some money on to their children to help them get started or pay off their mortgage. One other factor that seems to be appearing is the realisation that life savings could end up being taken by the government to pay for long term care if it’s needed.”
Fife Properties currently offer a FREE initial consultation service which not only provides an idea of the current value of your property but gives extremely useful advice on maximising the value when selling. To book click the link: https://fifeproperties.co.uk/property-valuation/