EP 64 THE WEALTH CREATION SHOW: Create Wealth in a Challenging Economy (Watch/Listen)



PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fife-properties/episodes/EP64-THE-WEALTH-CREATION-SHOW-Create-Wealth-in-a-Challenging-Economy-e217iqs 


EP64 THE WEALTH CREATION SHOW: Create Wealth in a Challenging Economy

There can be ups and downs in an economy and these affect the earning and investment levels of the nation.

Recession is the economic hardship that reflects the slowdown of the economy, this is risky as businesses collapse and people lose their employment.

So how do you create wealth in a challenging economy?


Luckily, you don’t need to head back to school to understand this as Richard Cook and one of the UK’s most successful property investors, Jim Parker is on hand to take you through ways to continue creating wealth throughout times of a challenging economy by safeguarding your earnings source, enhance your savings and continuing to invest for the future.


If you’ve missed the previous shows you can catch up on our play list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu-dtDBNhbLJvH_47QHVWEQSB0w2_KGj9


If you are a private client of ours, including the ongoing support you will also receive an invite for the last Thursday of every month to a private zoom session which will be a deep dive into more detail on portfolio building. If you haven’t received your invite, please contact us to [email protected]

This is all about accelerating blankyour wealth in 2023.


*We must point out that we are not financial advisors, and this is only our opinion of what we would do. Investments can go down as well as up so if you do want professional advice from a qualified advisor, please contact us direct and we will put you in touch with someone.