EP 102: The Wealth Creation Show: What can we Learn from Other People’s Success? (Watch/Listen)



PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fife-properties/episodes/EP-102-The-Wealth-Creation-Show-What-can-we-Learn-from-Other-Peoples-Success-e2dd2dv


Learning from others who are more successful is a key element to leveraging yourself in your relevant field and generally in life.

During Jim’s recent adventure he was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to spend time with very successful people like Billionaire Entrepreneur Richard Barnson and Jamie Siminoff – the founder of the billion-dollar company Ring.com!

In this week’s show we are going to explore what he learned from these highly successful people.

Do you want to know the benefits of the knowledge from your peers and learing form more successful people?

Luckily, you don’t need to head back to school to understand this as Lettings Director, Richard Cook and one of the UK’s most successful property investors, Jim Parker are on hand to discuss


If you’ve missed the previous shows you can catch up on our channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WealthCreationShow


If you are a private client of ours, including the ongoing support you can also receive one to one mentoring on portfolio building. Please contact us to [email protected]


This is all about accelerating your wealth in 2023.


*We must point out that we are not financial advisors, and this is only our opinion of what we would do. Investments can go down as well as up so if you do want professional advice from a qualified advisor, please contact us direct and we will put you in touch with someone.